Stock Issues Report

Stock Issues Report should be generated according to the selected filters. It should shows items issued to sites. The report filter has following options to select.

  • Item Name - can select all items or one item
  • Customer / Site Name - can select all customers or one customer
  • Date Range - should provide a date range for the report
  • Group by - Item wise report or customer wise report
In the group by option - if select item wise report, following information generate in the report.

  • Item No
  • Item Name
  • Issued Segment
  • Issued Qty
  • Returned Qty
  • Used Qty
  • Cost
If selected customer wise in the group option, following information generate in the report.

  • Customer Name
  • City
  • Total issued qty of all items
  • Total returned qty of all items
  • Total used qty of all items
  • Total cost of all issued items
After generate the report, Print button works for the generated report. SQL query of the generated report is saved in a file (text/sql.php file) and in the print window (func/print_sales_report.php file) uses the last saved query to print the report. The type of the report (customer wise or item wise) is determined by passing a URL parameters to the print page.
